Photo of a Beepo client taking an Offshore staff in their onsite Australia office.

Our Brisbane Experience

by: Jayson David |


Last October 29 to November 6, 2016, Bryan and I had the experience of a lifetime! We got the chance to visit our client in Brisbane, Australia. The people in the office greeted us with a very warm welcome, which really made us feel like we were meeting long time acquaintances. They had around fifty employees onsite.

During the training, we got to do a side-by-side with each department, which helped us fully understand the processes in the Sales, Customer Service and Services departments.

We also celebrated Melbourne Cup at the office where we watched the race while enjoying a sumptuous lunch.

Completing our experience, our client was generous enough to bring us to the Australia Zoo in Sunshine Coast, Queensland where we got the chance to see kangaroos and koalas for the first time.

It was truly a delight to have dinners at fancy restaurants in the city. Our Managing Director and Sales Manager were gracious enough to invite us to their homes. Lastly, our boss gave us a thrilling Ferrari ride! We can still feel the adrenaline rush. In a span of eight days, we have gained a great deal of enjoyable experience that we wouldn’t have had in any other way. – Hanneth